Group Companies

About MSTG

Mohammed Saif Thabet Group of Companies ( MSTG ) is a family owned business entity based in the capital city of Sana'a, Republic of YEMEN. Established in 1962 by its founder ( Late ) Mr. Mohammed Saif Thabet, with business activities in field of Construction. Additional activities in Cinemas, General Trading, Travel & Tourism were added in the 1970's and the 1980's.

By 1993, MSTG was restructured into a Limited Liability Company with ownership in a number of subsidiaries and partnerships to handle its diversified operations & functions at cross industries such as Manufacturing, Sales & Distribution, Retailing, Exclusive Agencies, Dealerships, Real Estate Development & Management, etc..

Since the beginning of 2010, the group has actively been involved in pursuing new businesses, continue to cater to the market requirements, adding value to our Economy, Shareholders, Customers, Partners & Employees.

The group has affiliation, business presence in USA, UAE, MENA, Oman and East Africa.

MSTG represents a number of multinational companies from different parts of the globe, mainly from Europe, Turkey, China, Korea and Egypt. Major projects sponsored by MSTG include Telecommunications, Power Plants (Electricity), Water wells, Port construction, Housing, Roads, Sewerage plants, Hospital construction, etc.

The supply and tender business in the past have covered:

- IT & Telecommunication equipment.
- Specialized Laboratory equipment.
- Education / school supplies / play grounds.
- Irrigation pipes & systems, Television Broadcasting Systems and TV Equipment, Lubricants & spare part, Power Generators & Electrical Cables.

Mohammed Saif Thabet Group shareholdings

MSTG is a shareholder and with board members of many reputable businesses including:
- Yemen Islamic Bank.
- Yemen Kuwait Bank.
- Yemen Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
- Yemen Qatar Insurance Company.

Our Vision

“To Operate ‘Sustainable & Profitable’ businesses, by delivering quality products & services, adding value to our ‘Society & Economy”